Our Treetop Walkways are sensational!
Treehouse Life build Treetop Walkways.
We design and build Tree-top Walkways for walking, sitting and laying in unique and spectacular woodland, high within the tree-top canopy...it's what we can 'sky-walking' within a huge 'hammock' style, passive walkway tree-to-tree Tree-canopy Walkway, Tree Hammock and Treetop Trail experience.
Key material is rope with huge break-load certification - up to 500 metric tonne linear break-loads. Entirely rope construction tree-to-tree with NO fixings, bolts or any ingress into trees.
Silent experience designed into the product, but importantly the experience also encourages 'no-noise' enjoyment in the way it is used and enjoyed, in a natural way - this is NOT a 'Go-Ape' 'thrill-seeking' activity, it is a 'getting-closer-to-nature' experience.
Designed deliberately to be 'slow', it's not possible to run, chase or hurry - it's everything but this, bringing everything to an 'immersed-in-nature' emotional speed rather than being about physical challenge.
Certificated break-loads with huge contingency SWL's [Safe Working Load] - proven, trusted, tested with every element. Users are always 'wrapped' in walk-on/fall-arrest safety netting at all times (including above, as an option), so that there is zero fall risk. No harness or safety equipment is required by participants.
Treehouse Life design Treetop Walkways.
Enhancing an enchanted woodland location.
Our typical and usual view of trees is always from the ground - our Tree-top Walkway takes you right into the tree canopy - rekindling and reconnecting with that favourite childhood memory of climbing into a tree.
visitor Experience
Broaden visitor enjoyment of the woodland with a whole new experience.
be Passive
Develop a passive way to educate.
together Family
Enhance family (kids to grand-parents) appreciation of a woodland attraction from an amazing and unique view-point in the trees.
discover Unique
Enjoy and view this unique habitat from within the habitat.
Key Benefits…
'partnering' a business plan.

Treehouse Life install Treetop Walkways.
We are wishing to work with you to develop your visitor experience and income sustainability, find a new audience and enhance your individuality of attraction as a successful visitor experience within a crowded tourist catchment. The proposal is non-competitive to other local attractions and adds longevity to a visitor day for the whole region.
Interactive ROI Calculator for your Treetop Walkway Family Visitor Attraction
Treehouse Life create Treetop Walkways.
Delivering ‘wow’.
Plenty of 'wow-factor'.
A Treetop Walkway product that looks natural in its setting.
Blends seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
Is sensitive to the location, of the highest quality materials and built by inspired craftsmanship.
Works and functions - not simply a 'toy' or 'fad'.
Cost effective, serviceable and innovative.
Delivered by a team that meet all of your standards in a professional and responsive manner.
25-years of experience and projects worldwide, an innate sense of inner-child and packed with passion for imaginative make-believe, fantasy, adventure and fun.
Solutions to all the design issues, we have worked out how we will build your Tree-top Walkway and importantly have calculated all the materials procurement so that we have accurate and sensible budgets to work from, without any expensive 'scratching-of-heads' problem solving on-site.
Treehouse Life deliver Treetop Walkways.
Fundamentally safe.
A Tree-top Walkway is a leisure activity within an entirely safe/supported environment. It does not require participant active safety systems, belay or any specific training to use the facility. Other than stepping onto and off a ground platform there is no element of assault, obstacle, initiative or physical challenge other than walking through a tree-top activity.
A Tree-top Walkway has been designed with consideration for the size and the body weight of the family participants, kids and grown-ups.
Any moving parts have been designed to limit or eliminate the risk of any injury.
There are no sharp edges.
The installation is constructed and the equipment chosen so that openings that can be reached in normal use and do not create entrapment hazards.
Free space does not contain any unprotected obstacles that a person manoeuvring or falling might crash into, other than the constituent parts of the Tree-top Walkway or the natural state of the surrounding woodland.
It is not possible to undo critical components without a tool.
A Tree-top Walkway is designed and intended to be used as a one-way walking journey, with a clearly sign-posted start and finish.
Access into and the exit from a Tree-top Walkway is from the ground and a ground based platform.
Walking treetops...
Treehouse Life world-class Treetop Walkways.
World-class ropes and certification.
A Tree-top Walkway is suspended walkway experience, deep within a safe and netted environment , made up of 105mm super-ropes created exclusively for Treehouse Life Ltd. in South Africa [ISO 2307 certified] to 944T certified break-loads.
Our exclusively designed rope for our Treetop Walkways is designed for high load application where exceptionally low weight is required - making for an excellent wire-replacement rope and our soft-shackles are the perfect replacement for traditional screw shackles.
Extreme strength-to-weight ratio
15 times stronger than steel
No water absorption
Exceptional UV resistance